Covid-19 Procedures
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways, but we hope the experience of choosing a beautiful Christmas tree will help bring a sense of normalcy and the warmth of our favorite holiday to your family. Lazy Susan Tree Farm is committed to providing a safe Christmas experience for our customers, staff, and visitors. We have developed these procedures with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the NJ Department of Agriculture, the National Christmas Tree Association, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
If you are experiencing any signs of illness (ie. sore throat, cough, have a fever or feel feverish, experiencing shortness of breath or have a loss of taste or smell) or have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19, please visit us another time.
Hand sanitizer is available for customers near the barn.
We will still have carts and saws available for cut-your-own customers.
The barn will be closed to customers this year. Items for sale and check-out will be under the tent near the barn. Cashiers will be on the inside and customers will pay outside through the window. Payment options include touchless credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Square Pay, cash, or check.
A portable toilet with hand sanitizer is available.
Thank you for helping to keep the farm safe
and each other healthy!